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Elective Services UK -
Healthcare Insourcing Provider

Elective Services UK


Elective Services UK


Healthcare Insourcing


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SendGrid


United Kingdom

Client Background

Elective Services UK is a leading healthcare insourcing provider, specializing in reducing patient waiting lists and managing patient backlogs for hospitals across the nation. The company offers comprehensive insourcing solutions that cover a wide range of medical specialties, enabling hospitals to efficiently manage patient care and improve service delivery.

Client Background


Before partnering with HiTech Solutions, Elective Services UK faced several challenges related to their outdated website, which hindered their digital presence and overall effectiveness:

  • Outdated Design: The old website had an outdated UI/UX design that did not reflect the company’s modern and professional approach. The visual appeal was lacking, and the site did not effectively communicate the brand’s expertise in healthcare insourcing.
  • Limited Page Structure: The previous website featured a small number of pages, which restricted the company’s ability to showcase the full range of services and case studies. This limited the depth of information available to potential clients, making it harder to convey the breadth of their offerings.
  • Poor User Experience: The user experience on the old site was subpar, with navigation issues and a lack of interactive elements. This resulted in a disengaged audience and missed opportunities to convert visitors into clients.


HiTech Solutions undertook the task of completely rebuilding the website from the ground up, using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP for a robust and modern web solution. SendGrid was integrated for seamless email communication, enhancing the website’s ability to engage with clients and healthcare professionals.

Key features of the solution included:

  • Modern, Intuitive Design: The new website features a clean, professional design that effectively showcases Elective Services UK’s expertise and services. It includes visually appealing layouts that enhance user experience and engagement.
  • Comprehensive Service Showcase: The website was restructured to highlight the full range of insourcing services provided, with detailed pages for each specialty area. This allows potential clients to easily understand what the company offers and how it can benefit them.
  • Streamlined Communication: SendGrid integration facilitates automated, reliable email communication, making it easier for healthcare professionals and hospitals to connect with Elective Services UK.
  • Responsive Design: The website was optimized for all devices, ensuring that users can access information and services from any device, whether it be a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.
  • Improved User Engagement: With clear calls to action, interactive elements, and a user-centric design, the new website significantly improved engagement rates.

Business Value

The revamped website brought significant value to Elective Services UK, enhancing their operations and digital presence:

  • Enhanced Online Presence: The modern, professional design has elevated Elective Services UK’s online presence, aligning it with their reputation as a leader in healthcare insourcing.
  • Increased Client Engagement: The new site’s structure and content have made it easier for potential clients to understand the company’s services, leading to more inquiries and better client relationships.
  • Operational Efficiency: With automated email communication through SendGrid, the company has streamlined its operations, reducing the time spent on manual communications.
  • Greater Market Reach: The responsive design and improved user experience have allowed Elective Services UK to reach a broader audience, including hospitals and healthcare professionals nationwide.
  • Strengthened Brand Identity: The new website reinforces the company’s mission and expertise, helping to build trust and credibility with new and existing clients.
Business Value

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Backend: PHP
  • Email Integration: SendGrid
  • Hosting: Self Hosted
Tech Stack

This case study highlights the transformative impact of HiTech Solutions’ work on Elective Services UK’s digital platform, demonstrating how a modern website can enhance business operations and strengthen client relationships in the healthcare industry.